Thursday, July 26, 2007

Things I'm Loving Today

1. Watching Annie blow bubbles and laugh with joy on our front lawn this afternoon.
2. Watching Jemma watch Annie blow bubbles.
3. Having a glass of good red wine and watching The Office, even if it is a re-run.
4. Listening to the crickets outside and knowing there are still a few, good months of windows-open weather.
5. Shopping for Annie's birthday presents (early, I know - I am becoming my mother) and thinking how much she's going to love them.
6. Smiling at Jemma and watching her grin back, then duck her head in an "I'm so shy" little motion.
7. Anticipating my pedicure tomorrow afternoon.
8. Wearing my new, pink workout shirt from Gazelle's sidewalk sale.
9. Watching Jason pull into the driveway about 40 minutes earlier than expected tonight.
10. Knowing that I have a brand-new book waiting for me downstairs (A Thousand Splendid Suns).

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