Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I Take It Back

Did I, a mere 48 hours ago, write about how proud I was of Annie? My, how things have changed . . . today was a struggle - almost every minute, all day long. She had a major meltdown as we left library storytime this morning, had a 1-hour whining/crying temper tantrum when we got home from the library, and could hardly deal with the sad fact that we were not going to "go somewhere" this afternoon. Her demands and complaints are beyond ridiculous. For example:

"Don't eat that pizza cold, Mommy!"
"Make Jemma stop sucking her fingers!"
"Don't talk on the phone!"
"I want to go to Ben's house right now!" (We went there yesterday . . .)
"The sprinker is too cold and wet!" (This, after insisting for 10 minutes that she wanted to run through the sprinkler even though it wasn't that hot out.)
"Don't change Jemma's poopy diaper!"

I'm not sure what's going on with her, but for the past week or so, it's seemed like she's tired in the morning after she's only been up for an hour or two, and it's a struggle to hold off the nap until 12:30. I decided to keep things low-key this afternoon, so we stuck around home, played in the front yard, and did some indoor art projects. Then she had an early bath and got put to bed around 7:15 so she could get a little more sleep tonight. I dashed off to Target and returned home at 8:20 to hear Annie chatting away on her monitor with no signs of stopping. After two visits by me (one nice, one not), I think she is finally asleep at 9:00. So much for an early bedtime! Now, I dread her personality tomorrow.

Jemma spent her day crawling over to anything remotely ladder-like (chairs, baskets, boxes) and trying to pull herself up to standing next to them. This makes me extremely, extremely nervous. Jemma = good at sitting, but not so good at standing. I can't believe she'll be 7 months old on Friday.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Jemma is a little spitfire! I swear, I haven't met a not-yet-7-month-old with the the spunk, charm and personality that kid has already! sure ebbs and flows with the toddler, doesn't it? Here's to today being better!