Monday, July 23, 2007

So Proud

Starting around 5:00 today, Jemma began having a "spell." She cried off and on through her dinner, screamed when I briefly left the kitchen to go cut some basil, and continued to cry after I gave up feeding her the veggies and puffs. I was carrying her around, patting her back and simultaneously trying to grate some cheese into the pasta when Annie came into the kitchen dragging her most-recently-beloved stuffed animal, a little white lamb.

"I want to share this with Jemma," she announced. I knelt down on the kitchen floor so they could look at each other. Annie smiled at Jemma and offered her the lamb, which she took and put into her mouth. She stopped crying. She smiled at Annie. It was like something from a book, and I loved it. They're going to fight a lot, I'm sure, but they're so lucky to have a sister to make them smile for the rest of their life.

Jemma, by the way, continues to wake up and do a little bit of screaming every half hour or so . . . I've been in with the Tylenol once (teething?) and predict a few more "spells" before the night is over.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I think Jemma and Tommy were secretly chatting plans on our walk together...he had a random screaming episode from 10-11 p.m last night, then another at 5:50 a.m....ugh!