Sunday, July 29, 2007

Kitchen Karma

My parents had been letting us borrow their play kitchen for a few weeks, but we had to bring it back yesterday when we went to pick up Annie. Even though Annie's been happily playing with it almost every day, they naturally want to keep it at their house so the girls have something to do when they visit Grammy and Bampa's. I've been thinking of getting one to have here at our house all the time, but everything remotely cute I saw in a catalog is upwards of $150, and I just couldn't do it.

After lunch at my parents' and some naps for the girls, we headed to the yearly Doublestein family reunion in Grand Haven at Gary and Linda's. Several hours later, after the requisite sweating, small talk with people whose names I don't know (but should), and chasing Annie around the yard, we departed, much to Jemma's delight. She'd been wanting to fall asleep for at least an hour, and it took her barely two minutes to do so in her carseat. A minute later, I saw a miracle mirage on the side of the road: a kitchen set, $10.00.

"Stop!" I instructed a confused Jason (he spends all his driving time noticing "sharp" cars in the oncoming lane, so he hadn't noticed the kitchen). I hopped out, paid for it, and got a bonus bucket of dishes and food, too. When we got home, I was putting Jemma to sleep in her room while I heard Annie inspecting the new kitchen:

"I'm very, very thanks. I love it!"

So, we've happily acquired a "new" kitchen set, while another family sold the last toy from their garage sale. She's been playing with it all morning, letting Jason and I have our coffee in relative peace. The balance of the universe is in order . . .

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