Monday, July 9, 2007


So, today was not really a banner day in the motherhood department. Annie woke up super-whiny and stayed that way pretty much all day, taking a short break to play nicely with some friends in her sprinkler pool outside this afternoon. Then, at playgroup this morning, my neighbor (a nurse) confirmed Connie's earlier suspicions about a strange rash in Jemma's diaper area: ringworm. When I looked it up online during the girls' naptime today, the informative little WebMD/Babycenter/Wikipedia entries kept referring to it being common in African-American children, people with pets, and wrestlers. Ummmm . . . is Jemma secretly a black baby wrestler who owns some phantom pets? Where did it come from? More importantly, how can I make sure it doesn't spread to the rest of the family? Luckily, Josh is calling something in for us (saving me a half-day at the pediatrician's), so now I'll keep my fingers crossed that it remains contained.

On the home front, I literally did not brush my teeth this morning until 10:30 a.m., nor could I find the time to actually BRUSH my hair between getting out of the shower and throwing it in a ponytail. The stuff we've imported from South Haven remains where we set it down yesterday - in boxes, half-unpacked, strewn around the two floors of our house. When, I wonder, will I ever get to all the organizing and unpacking? I feel like I haven't had a mental or physical break since the week before we left for up north. I think I might take a much-needed mommy-break tomorrow when Kelly comes and, instead of heading off on an adventure with Annie, leave both girls with her and go read magazines at the coffee shop. Then, perhaps, I'll be able to muster the energy to actually cook dinner or clean my house tomorrow evening. Right now, I'm off to put Annie to bed and then eat some ice cream before an early bedtime.

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