Monday, August 20, 2007

The Things We Do

How ridiculous is it that I'm sitting here at 10:08 p.m., finally getting to my blog for the day because I'm taking a break from working on Annie's birthday party invitations? I should be IN BED. SLEEPING. Instead, I'm here, swearing at my printer, surrounded by my Martha Stewart Eyelet Invitations, and basically hoping to magically turn into Martha Stewart so I can produce something cute before midnight.

It'll be fun, though, and one of the benefits of sharing a birthday with Annie is the fact that I get to make her party a little bit about me. So we're doing cupcakes (for her) and cocktails (for me), especially since it's my 30th and I'd be setting a poor example for my daughters if I didn't celebrate at least a little. Suddenly, she's so grown-up and charming and just plain fun; hanging out with Jason at night before bed, having opinions about what I wear and giving me compliments ("cute shirt, Mommy!"), playing games and getting excited about winning, having little conversations with us . . . I'm not so much in disbelief, anymore, that she'll be turning 3 and starting school this fall. I think I'll get her prepped for the art centers at school by having her add a little glitter glue to our invitations first thing tomorrow. And then, out they go . . .

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