Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Crawling, Squatting, Standing, Falling

These are the things Jemma spends her days doing, in that order, over and over, except when interrupted to eat or sleep or be transported somewhere. Otherwise, she's in some area of our house, crawling to an object, squatting on her haunches, standing up next to it briefly, then letting go and falling on her butt. I promise to take a picture of it tomorrow and post it here so everyone can see how silly a 8-month-old, maybe 14-pounder looks when she stands up by herself in the middle of a room.

She's becoming an eater, too, and has finally mastered the pincer grasp, so now she hangs out in her highchair and scoops the food in piece by piece - peas, pears, muffin, stuffing, Cheerios, chicken, broccoli, peaches . . . the list goes on. With any luck, she'll weigh an appropriate, average amount at her 9-month check-up.

Annie was low-key today, except for one major sidewalk meltdown when we had to leave Lucy's. Otherwise, she colored, played with her kitchen and dolls, rode her tricycle, and enjoyed a little time with Miss Kelly while I got groceries. (After Kelly left, Annie announced triumphantly over lunch: "Miss Kelly isn't on vacation anymore!!!)

The yummy fall weather of the past couple days has been cozy, but has already made me realize that Annie has very few warm clothes that still fit her from last winter. Tomorrow, off to the Gap outlet we go!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

1. Very cute invites
2. I have got to see Jemma on the loose!
3. I am jeal you are going to the Gap outlet today...let me know how it is...perhaps even with a full modeling show this afternoon. :)
4. I hope the block party rages on tomorrow night! I hope!