Friday, August 31, 2007

Dancer, Writer, Socialite

A few highlights from Annie's jet-set lifestyle this week:

1. She is the proud new owner of a pair of black patent-leather tap shoes. She wants to wear them everywhere she goes and is slowly getting used to the idea that they are just for dance. If you come to our house, she will try them on for you. Pictures forthcoming. We had the best time yesterday shopping for new dance gear. While we were in the store, she kept looking at me every two minutes with a sheepish grin and huge eyes, like, "Do I really get to get stuff here?!?" She was trying to act so grown-up and nonchalant when the saleswoman tried the shoes on her, but she couldn't resist doing a little tapity-tap-tap on the parquet floor in front of a big mirror before she put her crocs back on. It will be interesting to see if she loves dance, as I predict, or is over it before the 12-week session is up. In any case, the pictures will be priceless.

2. After 3 years of thinking of "football game" as something one watches on TV while Daddy gets mad at the Michigan players/coach, Annie now loves a football game. This is because she has attended her first EGR game, and, boy, was it good. After a fun little tailgate party in our front yard (where she got to hold Riley's new hamster, eat watermelon, draw Dora with sidewalk chalk, and run screaming up and down the driveway with neighbor girls), Jason took her to the first half of the game. While there, she managed to become the grubbiest, tiredest Annie I've ever seen. He brought her back to me, covered in stickiness from the ring pops she and Lucy got, barely able to stand straight. As I threw her in the shower, I asked, "What was it like at the football game?" She mumbled, "People were banging into each other and knocking each other over," which I suppose is technically right. There was hell to pay this afternoon from the late bedtime, but I think she'll remember that fun night for a long time.

3. While she was playing with her refrigerator magnets yesterday, I heard her talking about spelling her name. Next thing I know, she's dragging me into the kitchen to "show me somethin'" Sure enough, she put together "ANE" and had to tell me. So proud.

4. We went to the park this afternoon. We were there for about 3 minutes before Annie came running over, yelling, "I made a new friend!" Then she and other-3-year-old-girl played on the swings, the slide and with the tether-ball until other-girl got hit in the face. I love this about Annie and I really hope she keeps her friendliness and compassionate spirit as she gets older.

5. I was standing out in the driveway tonight, talking to various neighbors, and Annie came running over in her jammies two times, simply to say, "I love you, Mommy" and hug my leg. Not sure if this was for the benefit of the neighbors or just a sudden burst of deep love, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. After a very, very trying afternoon (remember the late night last night? and no nap today?), it was a small consolation and reminder that it's all worth it.

Jemma . . . still sick, still sad. I spent much of last night holding her in the rocking chair, feeling sorry for her while simultaneously remembering why having a newborn sleep schedule sucks so much. Perhaps I should put myself to bed, now, at 7:38, in order to snatch a total of 5 or 6 hours before tomorrow's activities.

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