Sunday, August 26, 2007

Target Wisdom

So, I went to Target today, a Sunday, all by myself. And I made some observations. First, stores are a lot busier on the weekends than they are at 10:30 a.m. on a Tuesday. I am not used to shopping with the general public, and it's very distracting having all those people right next to me. Also, instead of being filled with disheveled moms and toddlers in shopping carts, Target on the weekend is populated by middle-aged parents and their teenage kids (will we NEVER go to Target alone?), who seem to be just as high-maintenance as the toddlers are. There they are, wanting things, NEEDING things, and actually putting things in carts and arguing about why they should have them. Suddenly, the fact that I can meet a friend there, push my kid-filled cart next to hers, and bribe Annie and Jemma with Cheerios looks better and better. I realized that this parenting thing isn't going to get easier, exactly; it's just going to change constantly. (Those of you who know me well will know that one of my mantras used to be, "I hate change." I'm working on that, but still, it's not my favorite . . .) With this in mind, I'm having a better attitude about my crises of the moment and doing a better job of knowing that this, too, shall pass.

Other fun things I did today: went running by myself this morning (you can see I'm being paid back for Jason's mountain biking yesterday), went to the cutest little food store in Ada with the family and to Ada Park afterwards, ate some yummy Zingerman's cherry pie, got groceries, cooked dinner (Connie's easy-but-fantastic Girls' Weekend chicken recipe), and took the girls to Jersey Junction.

I'm feeling good about starting the week well-rested, happy, and with a house that's semi-under control. Time to head down the street to blow all those early-to-bed intentions by drinking wine with some favorite neighbor girls!

1 comment:

Megz said...

Ahhh, what a lovely day! Jealous of the ice cream the most! We ventured up to Gaslight last night (as I was telling you this morning), but never made it to the "Junction". B got too tied up in the fountains-that-are-a-wadepool by the shops.:)

Thanks again for the book this morning---sorry we missed you and Sarah at the park. Naps came crashing down a bit earlier than scheduled. LOL
Let's do a "Benjamin and Annie and Chalk" impromptu again real soon.:)