Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My Favorite Things

Because I turned into an insomniac after the birth of Annie (and have never returned to normal sleeping status), I often spend part of a night out on the couch, reading with the light on so as not to wake up Jason. Last night, I traipsed out there, dragging my pillow, at 5:00 a.m., right after I fed Jemma. I didn't fall back to sleep until close to 6:00. Then, I was awakened at 6:30 by a hard little head burrowing its way onto the pillow.


She had woken up because of the thunderstorm and, when I wasn't in my bed, she found me out on the couch. So I pulled her up and tucked her under the blanket with me, and we laid there for at least 15 minutes (which is an eternity for Annie to lie still), watching the thunderstorm and giggling every time the lightning was especially bright. Then, Jason came out to see what we were up to and eventually Jemma woke up and the whole family was snuggling on the couch, in the dark, enjoying the rain. It was totally like the scene from The Sound of Music where Maria sings "A Few of My Favorite Things" - except we had 2 children instead of 6 or 7!

Finally, we turned on some lights, made a big pot of oatmeal, fired up the espresso machine, and had breakfast together. Definitely one of my favorite things.

(Tried to take a picture of Jemma today to post. She was tired, though, and wouldn't stop sucking her fingers/whining for me to hold her. I'll try again tomorrow.)


Megz said...

"Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes..."

Loved this post.
And I love those moments with the wee ones!
Your blog makes me smile.


Sarah said...

And to think you could be that happy at 6 a.m....who'd have thunk it?