Wednesday, August 8, 2007

R.I.P., Miss Louise

Annie, Jemma and I set out in the scorching heat this afternoon to deliver the invitations to our block party. Right away, Annie says, "Mom, let's go give one to Miss Louise. Think she'll come to the party?"

I summoned all my courage and my "everything's-normal" voice and said, "Oh, honey, Miss Louise was so old and had been sick for a long time, so she died and went to heaven to live with Jesus." Then I held my breath.

Annie looked at me for a second, then said, "Oh, honey, okay," and kept walking along. We made it most of the way around the block, talking about random things, sticking the fliers in mailboxes, until we reached the across-the-street neighbors, who were outside when we walked up the driveway.

"So, Miss Louise gets to live with Jesus, like at church!" Annie announced. Luckily, my neighbor is a pre-school teacher, so she just agreed heartily and smiled at me as we went on our way. Inside, I'm breathing a sigh of relief; we've had our first "death" discussion, and Annie doesn't seem traumatized. Pshew.

We're gearing up to do one more summer trip up north this weekend. I'm already spending at least 50% of my time dreading the drive and trying to figure out how to keep Jemma from screaming the whole way there and back. She is just so into crawling and moving that she hates to be confined to her carseat for any more than 15 minutes . . . this is a problem. Is 7 months too young for a giant sucker? Annie, on the other hand, will do fine as long as we let her have one of the evil, sugary suckers and listen to the Laurie Berkner song "Goldfish" on repeat 52,000 times. Can't wait! I'm hoping for some good boating/swimming weather, some quality time with my niece, and maybe a lovely brunch at Bay View to make the hellish drive worth it.

Has everyone seen the new fall stuff on babystyle? Oh, my . . .

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