Tuesday, August 14, 2007

And Have I Mentioned That I Love My Neighbors?

I do. I mean, I really do. Some perfect combination of fate, luck and God's providence has landed us on this little street where people help each other out during tough spots, take time to talk in driveways, and, around 4:00 every day, come out of their houses for a walk around the block. Maybe we'll end up in someone's front yard. Maybe we'll end up in someone's basement, talking about Art Van furniture deals and paint colors while all the kids play. And nobody cares if I haven't showered since last night or if Jemma is fussy or if Annie's clothes match. When I think about how we could have just "settled" for staying in South Haven and making the best of it, I'm so, so unspeakably glad that we took the chance and moved to where our hearts led us. We haven't even been here a year, and already I'm rationalizing away the flaws in my house because I wouldn't really want to leave it. I can be myself here, and, best of all, so can my kids. I love knowing that they'll grow up surrounded by other kids just their age - fighting, learning to share, giggling, riding bikes and scooters and running through sprinklers - who will become almost like an extended family. What more could we ask for?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I feel the same way - we are so lucky! :)