Friday, November 2, 2007

Tricks and Treats

Jason is downstairs with the girls right now, watching Journey DVDs and making a cornucopia of musical sounds, so that I can sit down in a chair and think and write for the first time in four days. God bless him. (He owes me, though, because he got to get the car he really wanted instead of the used Accord I was pushing for.)

It's been one of those weeks with Annie. She didn't nap any day except, mercifully, on Halloween and then was a trainwreck for at least 50% of the time she was awake. Yesterday afternoon, she actually screamed, "I don't want to go to the store!" over and over and over all the way to Art of the Table. I have had to use all my best coping mechanisms. These include: saying things like, "I understand that you feel tired, but that's not a reason to treat people this way. Now we're going to do ______ and I know you can make a good choice" in a calm, rational voice; turning up NPR so loud that I can't exactly hear the words she's shouting from the backseat; threatening to throw away all of the remaining Halloween candy; taking away any beloved dolls; and my favorite, telling myself a little story in my head about how I am so lucky to have a healthy, wonderful daughter and just think how terribly devastating it would be if something were really wrong with her and how I have it so much better than so many struggling mothers and how I really DO love her and how this is just a phase . . . etc. Sometimes that puts it in perspective. And when it doesn't, at least we have had our share of grown-up time lately so I can remember that other parts of my life are fun even when the parenting piece is challenging.

Halloween itself was pretty adorable. Though I have lots of good memories of being a rock star or Snoopy or a 50's party girl in my youth, I honestly haven't been a huge fan in my adult years. Now, however, I have to admit, it's regaining its former appeal when I get to celebrate it with little kids again (especially, little kids who do not spend the entire day in my classroom, consuming mass quantities of candy while their hyper-vigilant mothers come up with reasons to invade my classroom with elaborate parties).

Annie was so pleased to spend most of the day running around in her lion costume. She wore it to school in the morning and then donned it again for the neighborhood "Halloweenie" party (of course there were hot dogs!) and trick-or-treating. My parents came for the night to see the girls in costume and help pass out candy at our house while we went out with the girls. Jemma's appearance was brief due to the rain, but Annie hung in there with her umbrella and yelled out a surprisingly brave and loud, "Trick or Treat!!!" at the houses of people we know on the street. Jemma also refuses to wear hats if she can possibly get them off, so she was less "lion" and more "baby wearing tan one-piece romper." Note Annie's glee when surrounded by her "take" just before the end of the night. (Needless to say, 90% of that loot has mysteriously disappeared, and the remaining treats are being rationed and possibly saved for the Thanksgiving car trip that looms in our future.)

Last night, we had an awesome night out with Adam and Jason, Chris and Sarah. Dinner (and lots of drinks) at the Green Well, followed by a quick stop at Yesterdog for fourth meal, then more wine at our house with Adam and Jason before bed. So great to see old friends and laugh hysterically, mostly at/with Adam and his wealth of unbelievable stories. We had pumpkin pancakes for breakfast this morning, then managed to hit Meijer Gardens with the whole group again, this time with kids in tow. Everyone did remarkably well and the outdoor sculpture walk was at the height of its fall beautiful-ness.

Tonight: out with the girls to celebrate Connie's birthday! Must keep up the frenetic pace of this weekend! Tomorrow: 1-year-old birthday party, Michigan game . . . the fun never ends, and the laundry never gets done, either.

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