Wednesday, November 7, 2007

It's Official . . .

After naps today (yes, plural - both girls, thank goodness!), we headed outside for a walk and spotted the first offical snowflakes of the season. And I must admit, I felt a teeny, tiny bit of joy and childish glee. As much as I dislike snow in general (the cold wetness of it, the slush on my shoes, the inches on my car, walking around with my shoulders hunched up around my ears), I did feel a tinge of excitment for the upcoming winter holidays and the fun I'll have with the girls doing snow-related activities. I'm so curious to see what Jemma does with it, and I know Annie loves to make snow angels and build pretty much anything out of it, so we'll make the best of it and have a fun winter. At least, until mid-January, when I'll be beside myself with wanting spring.

And then, to mark the "winterness" of it all, we went to Starbucks and I enjoyed my first Peppermint Mocha of the Christmas season. Mmmmmm. Though the PSL eluded me, I am confident that I can re-create the PM with my espresso machine. Tomorrow: to Russo's to purchase peppermint syrup and some more chocolate, too. I'm going to need some caffeinated nourishment to get me through the weekend ahead.

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