Sunday, November 11, 2007

Day Four . . .

of being a single parent, and the lifestyle is taking its toll. I was holding it all together pretty well for the first couple of days, thanks in part to various dinner invitations from kind neighbors and friends. We spent yesterday at my parents', and it was great to have some distractions and help with meals, entertainment, etc. But this morning, it's 10:00 a.m., and already we've made cookies and had a dance party, and I'm spent. I'm just sheer out of things to do and am dying for a little "me" time . . . which I'm not going to get, seeing as tomorrow is Monday and the workweek will begin all over again. What I am going to get, I think, is Annie asking variations of the questions, "When is Daddy going to get back from Florida?" and "What time is it?" until he walks in the door right around her bedtime.

Time to go grab a shower . . .

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