Monday, October 1, 2007

Me Gusta/No Me Gusta

So random . . . in high school Spanish class, we watched the weirdest movie starring the Three Stooges with dubbed-in Spanish speakers saying "Me gusta" and "No me gusta." My teacher thought it was hilarious, our class thought it was bizarre, but here I am, remembering that "me gusta" means "it pleases me" in Spanish. So in honor of Senora Bird, the things that are and are not pleasing me today.

Me Gusta:

-Jemma has learned the sign for "more" and does it continuously through each meal. It's cute, if a little exhausting to keep up the excited signing/saying "more?!"/giving her a constant stream of banana.

-My twilight run. Not to be creepy, but I love running when it's just getting dark and I can peek inside the lit-up houses and glimpse families having dinner, art on the walls, interesting furniture and architecture, etc.

-The book I've just begun, "bird by bird" by Anne Lamott. Suggested by my friend and life-coach, Heather, I think it's going to propel me forward in the writing department and be that little push I need to start putting more out there . . . a freelance gig here, a magazine submission there, a workshop after that, a little more blogging - who knows where it might go? Also, I'm claiming this quote of hers about perfectionism to assuade some of my cleaning-the-house guilt: "Clutter and mess show us that life is being lived. Clutter is wonderfully fertile ground . . . "

-Annie and Jemma played nicely together (!) from 4:30 - 5:30, I had a plan for dinner, and Jason arrived home from work on time. This Monday Trifecta allowed me to cook, and the entire family to eat, a lovely dinner together with minimal sweating.

No Me Gusta:

-The fact that Target, upon my visit today, October 1st, had a large Christmas display right next to all the Halloween stuff. Seriously? I love, love, love Christmas, but really. Too early.

-The man standing at the corner of Burton and Breton this afternoon, wearing a shirt that said, "Nuke 'Em Till They Glow." Not sure who "they" are, but I think it's a little harsh. Glad Annie can't read yet.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

ha gusta your post. "Nuke em till they glow" is so absurd...maybe he was talking about the new gas lights in our downtown? :)