Saturday, September 29, 2007

My Windows Are Sooooo Sparkly!

It was another gorgeous fall day, and we spent it . . . cleaning. While I do admit to having a certain sense of satisfaction now that the garage has been swept, the yard edged, trimmed and mowed, and the windows washed, another part of me feels like we wasted a perfectly good day. It's frustrating to try to juggle the girls and get things done at the same time, so any cleaning task takes approximately 8 times longer than it would have before kids.

When you first have a baby and your life is turned upside-down, you are faced with a few choices about how your cleaning will proceed. They are:

1. Keep your house less clean than you used to.
2. Use most of your "free" time for cleaning (in the evenings and any time the kids nap or are not around).
3. Pay someone else to do it.

So far, I've been using a combination of #1 and #2. When I find myself with a few moments during the day or after the girls go to bed, I try to throw in a load of laundry or clean a bathroom. However, the house just never really seems "together," so I'm probably keeping things less clean than I used to. After all, if I spent all my "free" time cleaning up, when would I talk to my husband? When would I read a book? When would I blog? =)

I try not to care, but I do have the good, clean Dutch genes in me somewhere. And those Dutch genes are what's keeping me from using solution #3. The guilt! The horrors of paying someone hard-earned money to do what you could do better than they would do it! Seriously, though, after one recent Saturday cleaning-spree episode, I sank onto the couch at night and asked Jason, "Does it really take this much work to run a household?" We thought about it, and then decided that, yes, it does. A little depressing, I think. How many more years until Annie can wash floors?

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