Saturday, October 27, 2007

Bright Lights, Big City

Jason and I took a break from Mommy and Daddy duty Friday night and had a fun night out on the town. And that town didn't seem so much like Grand Rapids to us as maybe, say, Miami. Or New York City. (But then, we don't get out much.) After we got the kids in bed and Heidi came over (we're starting a neighbor-babysitting-coop thing with them; it was our turn to "watch" Jonathan last night), we started the evening off at the new Grand Rapids Art Museum. Very cool building, very hip vibe, live music, a little red wine . . . we felt like real grown-ups doing something with our brains. I like modern art in a detached, "isn't that bizarre/interesting" sort of way, and only in museums, never in my house, but still, it's good to look at every once in a while.

After the museum, we had dinner at six one six, the new restaurant downtown. Very hoity-toity atmosphere, all clean lines and tiny tables very close together. It was good for us to try something different, but it wasn't the best atmosphere for a cozy dinner for two. We loved our food; Jason got a steak and I got something called the Pumpkin Stack (Of course I did. It's October; if there's something "pumpkin" on a menu, I must order it.), which was fresh pasta and pumpkin, goat cheese, cranberries, basil, and a bunch of other yummy things that made me happy. If nothing else, it was refreshing to spend a few uninterrupted hours with Jason and catch up on all those conversations that are impossible to have when Annie's asking repetitive questions or making constant demands.

Yesterday was a gloomy, cool, rainy day, and I spent it doing less-glamorous things such as: scrubbing the upstairs shower with Comet and a toothbrush, washing floors, doing three loads of laundry, making lasagna for dinner, wiping Jemma's snotty nose every 3 1/2 minutes - you know, things that made me realize that I was not, indeed, in Miami or New York City. And then I watched Jonathan last night (and by watched, I mean read my book on their couch while listening to his monitor) so Heidi and Patrick could go out to dinner.

Now, Jason has Annie at church, Jemma's napping, and I'm thinking about taking advantage of this gorgeous morning and going for a run when they get home.

1 comment:

Megz said...

So glad you and J got a night out on the town! I'm dying to try that restaurant...we've heard great things, obviously.:)
Love the co-op with Heidi and neighbor friend Katie and I have that...just haven't used it yet! You are an inspiration.
See you at the weenie-roast tomorrow.:)