Saturday, April 26, 2008

What We Have To Say Today

Jemma says: "Please, no more amoxicillin. Ever."

Jason says: "Look! I'm making meatballs. And I've also decided that my hair looks really awesome when it's long, so I'm growing it out. I am a rock star, after all . . ."

Annie says: "Dad! Pretend it's Easter. So YOU hide the eggs with candy, and then I'll go find them. Mom! I need a white dress. I need a white dress that spins to get married in. And you go get me a white dress that spins. Let's play getting married. I'm going to go to sleep in my bed, and then you and Jemma come in and wake me up and say, "It's morning!" and I'll chase you. Can I make a project? I want to make a project. With glue. And glitter and flowers and markers and paint. What are we having for dinner? I don't like garlic in my meatballs. Or onions. I want a treat. Mom, can I have a treat? Dad, may I please have a treat? If I eat ALL my meatballs and pasta, I will have a treat. What is that in the oven? Is that apple crisp? I want apple crisp."

Steph says: "My children exhaust me. For one moment today, every single dish in my house was clean. And then we made meatballs and apple crisp. So please note the large glass of red wine at my place at the table."


Sarah said...

You are furious with this comment but I think I secretly like Jason's hair...
The crisp rocked!!

Gina said...

Poor, poor Jemma. Rowan also had the ammoxicilin rash. I called the doctor and they said "It's not an allergy, just a reaction". Whatever it is, it's no fun!