Monday, April 28, 2008


Jemma has learned a new word; it is "noooooo." She mostly uses it to tell herself not to do something naughty either right before or right after doing that naughty thing. In her high chair at lunch today, throwing string cheese on the floor: "Noo no no no." In the front yard this afternoon, running at top speed for the street: "Noooooo" while shaking head. After opening our laundry chute door and dropping her Robeez down to the basement: "No no noooooo." It comes out sounding very low-pitched, like a fog horn, and apparently has absolutely no effect on her behavior. Hilarious.


Heidi said...

Jonathan has also learned that word this week as well...his use of it though has been somewhat defiant. "Jonathan, can you pick up your toys with mama?"
Here we go :)

Sarah said...

And game on...