Monday, January 7, 2008

We Now Return to Regularly Scheduled Programming

. . . and it's such a relief to be back to what passes for "normal" at our house. This morning, Jason was off to work, Annie was off to school, and I had a blessed 40 minutes to myself while Jemma napped. Caught up on e-mail, showered, did a little laundry, and made coffee. Loved it. This afternoon, we took advantage of the freak warm weather (65! On January 7!!) and bombed around outside for a while. It was a breath of fresh air, figuratively and literally. Everyone seems to be mostly healthy, and I am hopeful that we can get back out into the world and do some playdates and normal errands for the rest of this week.

In other news, Jemma is getting three new teeth on the top! I am glad for her because I feel like she's such a growth-stunted 1-year-old with her PLG two bottom teeth . . . but I just know that as soon as those top teeth come all the way in, she's just not going to look like a baby at all anymore.

Annie's latest demand: "Mom, take your ponytail out." Apparently, my having a ponytail in my hair is somehow offensive to her. This from someone who spent an hour this afternoon "vacuuming" and cleaning the floor with a baby wipe while wearing the much-loved pink sequin dress, the Snow White crown, and a plastic rosary.

Tomorrow night, Connie and I are off to sit in line in a church basement to sign the kids up for next year's preschool class. Last year, I attended this event with a two-week-old Jemma and tried to contain her diaper blow-out. This year, we're getting Rose's Express and bringing a bunch of magazines, and I'm strangely excited for it. You know your life is sort of sad when you get excited to eat take-out food in a church basement as long as it's without your kids . . .

1 comment:

Megz said...

I love this post! Sorry I've been such a delinquent poster/blog visitor lately. No excuse!
I'm glad someone else is strangely anticipating the Mayflower "line waiting"...though by now, you've likely done yours already. Mine is this Tuesday.
Can I have your magazines???:)

Also happy to read about your upcoming vacay with Jason.
So deserved!!!