Saturday, January 26, 2008

Just Headin' Down the Street

In minutes, Jason and I are going to walk out our door and head down the street for the Annual Orchard Ave. Progressive Dinner. We're bringing wine. Lots of wine. And later, we'll be next door to finish the night off with dessert. We're not bringing our darling children, and given that they've been screaming (literally) at one another all day, this is a welcome relief. So cheers to a fabulous Saturday night, neighbors, and if you aren't so lucky to be gathering with friends, maybe you should crack open a bottle of something after your kids are in bed and plan a progressive, grown-up outing of your own. I'll post photos of ours later . . .


Shawn said...

An orchard ave party is not an orchard ave party without the conversation making you blush and the food leaving you satisfied.

This party did not disappoint.

Sarah said...

Here, here! Good times...I am proud of our little street!

Stephanie said...

Seriously, the best time I've had in a long time. If anyone wants to send pictures along, I'll post them for the world to see!