Thursday, January 17, 2008

Successful Outings

Since we are on Day Two of Annie's Mysteriously Recurring Fever, I was going a little crazy by this afternoon. I know, I know - two days isn't a long time, but they happened to be days when we usually have things planned in the mornings, as in school and dance, which we obviously had to miss. Since Annie only becomes whinier as the unscheduled day goes on and Jemma only wants to walk up and down the hallway while holding onto my finger, we had to get out. But not anywhere that we might infect others. So . . .

Morning outing: Hobby Lobby. After over two months of waiting for fabric that I ordered back in November, my polite-but-irritated phone call yesterday must have done the trick; my fabric was in! So we headed out to pick it up this morning, sick children safely confined within the cart and therefore not breathing on other children. One less errand to do this weekend!

Afternoon outing: pool at the gym. I even impress myself with this, as it's the first time I've attempted to take both girls there all by myself. We met Connie and Ben there (he's got a fever, too, and we figure that all that chlorine will kill any germs they sneeze out into the pool, right?), and it all went surprisingly well. Annie paddled about with her life jacket on and Jemma just held onto me and said "ball" 45,000 times. (Also, she was looking appraisingly at my chest and occasionally contorting her head like she might want to see if there was anything left in there for her . . . . ) There were about 4 sketchy minutes when we got out and I had to try to change everyone into dry clothes before the shivering and crying set it, but it was a happy outing for a semi-sick family in the winter.

Tomorrow = haircut! I'll post a picture if it's sufficiently cute and different. We'll see how brave I am at the moment of truth . . .


Megz said...

Yay for the successful outings! Benjamin's had the mysterious fever this week as well...what's up with that? One moment fine, the next all clingy at Ms. Trish's class and whining to go home and "take nappers". Bizarro. Totally insane.
Anyway, hope Annie's on the mend!
Way to go at the pool...Benjamin's pretty easy when it's just the two of us (been loving this lately), but Jonathan is no picnic, even alone. I dream of a day when I can do both kids at once!!!:)
Hope to see you soon--our fragile health status has kept us pretty non-social these days.
Miss you guys!

Sarah said...

You must model the haircut in person or post a pic ASAP!!! I saw you driving by yesterday at 3:30 (cause I stalk like that) and was hoping I'd see you at the library at 4 p.m....but now I know why I didn't. :)