Saturday, September 15, 2007

My Philosophical Justification for Girls' Night Out

Another gorgeous fall day - 65, party cloudy, football on the TV, cinnamon cider candle burning in the kitchen, comfy new jeans. I took a great little run this morning and actually wished I had worn something on my ears, which froze. But, for the first time, it really smelled like fall outside. And I do love fall.

Other events of the day included a massive children-clothes re-organization involving many Rubbermaid tubs and some quality time in Jemma's closet, some vacuuming (Jemma make a fantastic mess at each meal!), and a trip to the Farmer's market, some antique stores, and Wealthy St. Bakery with Jemma. (Notice none of the events involved me spending lots of time with Annie. She's spending quality time with Jason today, and we're getting a much-needed break from each other.)

Tonight, appetizers and drinks with the girls. Even though I'm pretty tired from what has somehow been a tiring day, it's something I'm looking forward to. When I quit teaching to stay at home full-time, one of my fears was that I'd invest absolutely all my time and energy in my kids and then look up one day, when they graduated from high school/moved away/grew up, and notice that I had no "self" left and no "life" outside of my kids. So in spite of the limited energy and there being only 24 hours in a day, I am determined to continue to carve out time for the things and people I love: running, reading (non-child-related books!), having dates with Jason, writing, spending time with friends, cooking and baking, and traveling, among others. Not only do I want to preserve my own interests so that I have a life to live in twenty years or so, but I want my kids to grow up seeing that being a Mommy doesn't mean you stop being a person, too. When they have kids someday, I want them to feel good, not guilty, about the things they do to nurture themselves.

Plus, I love a good drink with funny friends at the end of the day. Or two, or three . . .

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