Thursday, September 27, 2007

Go, Jemma!

Today marks Jemma's 9-month birthday. Truly, the time is flying by (and I never thought I'd say that about any part of raising an infant). She celebrated by puking a little on the Cook's carpet and taking two, 30-minute naps total today. Also, by rubbing her pear-and-pea-covered hands vigorously through her hair at dinnertime. She's adorable and spunky, and I love watching her turn from a baby into a toddler.

Last night's dinner out was a treat. We tried a new restaurant in East Hills called the Green Well, and it was a great combination of good drinks, interesting food, and a fun atmosphere. It's so exciting to go somewhere and feel like grown-ups for an hour or two. Plus, the girls never knew we were gone . . .

Tonight, by contrast, was the first night this week that Jason's been home early enough to eat dinner with the family. We had chicken stew while Annie filled him in on her day, which was full of Twinkle Toes dancing, a grocery store trip, and playing with Ben, Alex, Grace, and some other friends in the Cook's toy-filled house.

After putting Jemma to bed, I came upstairs to find Annie in the shower, happily singing "Doe a Deer" to Jason and mostly getting the words right. We are finding that bath/shower time is some good one-on-one time with Annie, and we usually have some notable conversations. Last night in the tub, for example:

Annie: "Mom, why doesn't that frog have cheeks?" in reference to the frog-head on the hand soap dispenser.

Me: "I don't know, I guess frogs don't really have cheeks."

Annie: "Why, Mom? Whyyyyy?"

Me: "That's just how God made frogs." (This is a variation of my standard answer when I have no idea . . . blame God.)

Annie: "Who's God?"

Me: "You know, God's the person who made the world and you and me and frogs"

Annie: "Like at church and Sunday School?"

Me: "Yep, that God."

Annie: "When?"

Me: "When, what?"

Annie: "When did God make the world?"

Me: "A very long time ago."

Annie: "Oh. Before Sunday School?"

Me: "Yes, before Sunday School."

Perhaps I am not so qualified to be helping in Annie's Sunday School classroom if this is the best I can do with the God explaination . . .

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