Thursday, July 24, 2008

What the Universe Says to Me at 6:23 a.m.

Last night, my neighbor talked me into attending some horrid "boot camp" workout with her next week, during my week of freedom from my children. In my defense, I had been drinking when I agreed that running hills and doing push-ups in a park at 6:30 a.m. sounded like a good plan. I told her, casually, that I used to practice yoga 2-3 times a week, and all those sun salutations gave me great upper-body strength. But that strength is pretty much gone, now. I am scared.

A few days ago, my friend Gina blogged about something she and I did together in our way-distant college-student past: the Hope College Pull. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you can google "hope college pull" and browse the website.) Anyway, she reminded me that, as members of the "99 Pull Team" and the class of 1999, we were once able to do 99 push-ups. In a row! In a giant circle in a field with 39 other people! On a Saturday, of our own free will! Good times . . .

Then, I spied a reference on a blog I occasionally read to the Hundred-Pushups program ( ). I checked it out. I was intrigued.

All of this to say that on my run this morning, enjoying the crisp, perfect sunrise, I realized: the universe is talking to me. It is saying, "Stephanie, start doing push-ups." So after my run, I got down on the floor and . . . couldn't do ANY. I had to revert to, for lack of a better term, "girl" push-ups, with my knees bent. In my living room by myself, I was a little humiliated.

Thus, I will be embarking on the Hundred Push-ups program STAT. Any of you wishing to join me should check out the website and consider Monday our first day. The rest of you may remark with jealousy and awe on my amazing arm muscles at some point in September.


Gina said...

Okay, I haven't checked out the website yet, but I think I'll do the 100 pushups with you. Or at least try. I randomly did some the other night. I think I got to 25 with a bit of rest in a sort of plank position. And I was really, really slow. In a previous life I swam 5 miles a day. So, I think I'd feel accomplished if I could do 100 pushups.

Heather said...

OK, I'm in. For the record, I can do exactly 1 good form "guy" pushup. On the second one, I just can't get off the floor. Last week I was trying to think of any reason to quit my run - the 10 minute mile pace was just a little too tough that day. Then I remembered that I used to be very annoyed if it took me 2 1/2 minutes to run a 1/2 mile. I quickly decided that I never want to reach that goal again. Maybe 100 pushups is a better start!

Anonymous said...

perhaps you would like to do the shoulder/arm P90X with eric. for 55 min. you only to pull-ups and pushups. it looks fun. and then you can lay on the bathroom floor while your spouse is trying to tub in murky water and carry on moaning and groaning and then jump up and flex and shout, "i think i look bigger".