Friday, October 3, 2008

Good Reads

As you can see, the pile of books next to my side of the bed is becoming ridiculous. A few recent thoughts I've had while reading some of these (and other) books:

Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder: What am I even DOING with my life, besides piddling around in suburbia with a couple kids and one too many pairs of expensive jeans? Meanwhile, this Farmer guy is single-handedly saving Haiti.

Hot, Flat, and Crowded by Thomas L. Friedman: Have both candidates for president read this book? They need to. Also, Thomas Friedman officially makes my top five in the list of People, Living or Dead, With Whom You'd Like To Have Dinner. So smart.

Parenting With Love and Logic: What???? You mean this near-constant-management-of-children thing is going to continue, unabated, right on through all the years they live with us?

Nearly Every Book I Read to Jemma: Do kids catch on to (and become suspicious of) the fact that roughly 70% of children's books end with the main character going to bed? At a certain point, I feel like the kids are going to call us on this not-so-subtle ruse to get them to sleep at night.

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