Friday, October 10, 2008

Bad Hair Day

Jemma's: full of sucker, which I had to take away from her because she wouldn't stop going down the slide with it in her mouth. My reward for preventing some type of life-threatening injury? A ten-minute indoor/outdoor tantrum, complete with foot stomping, spinning in circles, and banging on the door. Also, sticky toddler hair.

Annie's: decorated with some type of shiny bright blue pipe cleaner that HAD to be twisted up a certain way for Blue Day at school. When I asked her if she wanted to wear a hat for playing on the playground this morning she said, "Mom, no. It would ruin my hair."

Mine: semi-curly and messy because I was too weak to do the round-brushing and blow-drying and flat-ironing required to make it lie correctly after my shower this morning. Also, full of glitter after decorating my front-stoop pumpkins, which I could secretly do all day long. Mmmm, fall.

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