Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Season Change

Last night's yoga class left me focused, energized, and calm - just like good yoga is supposed to. I am sore, in spite of it being a "Back to Basics" class, but intend to go back. Frequently. I am thinking, this is what will get me through the dreaded winter, screw the cost, I will ask for it for Christmas.

So I went into this morning all Zen with my cup of green tea and semi-clean house and blow-dried hair. Jemma and I hung out and built tall block towers while Annie was at school. Then we went to the farmer's market and bought apples, pears, and pumpkins for the girls to decorate for our front stoop. I made some more applesauce, which made the house smell great. The clouds were low and dark all day but it never really rained, so we were able to play outside in the crisp air this afternoon after naptime (henceforth called Time For Jemma To Nap While Annie Sings Songs Vigorously In Her Room and Takes All The Wall Hangings Off The Wall And Changes Into Dirty Clothes From Her Laundry Hamper).

Just now, I'm returned from a walk by myself. I caught the tail end of the sunset and picked up a beautiful red leaf to give to Annie. As I passed the football field, the high school band was practicing. Lights were on in all the houses on our street, and the air smelled like someone was having the first fire of the year in their fireplace. Yep, it's fall, and I love it.

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