Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Near-Perfect June Day

Morning: coffee, breakfast around the table together, shower before Jason leaves for work. Play outside, walk to the grocery store with the girls in the wagon. Annie gets a "bleeding boo-boo" falling on the sidewalk on our way home, but is immediately placated by her snazzy new princess band-aids.

Afternoon: lunch, girls nap, I clean up and read my book, sprinkler pool and popsicles, happy baby news from Koop.

Evening: feed the girls, walk to the library, ride bikes around the block, baths, bedtime, grill lemon rosemary chicken and zucchini, Colbert Report with Jason, walk to Jersey Junction, sit outside as the sun sets.

Perfect weather, outdoors all day, happy kids . . . the only thing missing is a run, but I somehow did two of those yesterday (?) and I think all the walking makes up for it. This is what summer should be: lots of good, old-fashioned, unscheduled fun and being outside as much as possible.

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