Friday, June 27, 2008

Jemma, 18 Months

Today is Jemma's 18-month milestone, and it was a really good day. This morning, we got to spend some time with wonderful old friends - Di, Oliver, and Amelia - playing at the park and just hanging out. This afternoon, we hit Jonathan's new sprinkler pool and then I took the girls out to dinner. Annie sat in a big-girl chair, ordered her own food, cleaned up her spot, and helped me keep Jemma entertained as we watched the fountain and the people go by. She is getting so big. And so is Jemma.

I can't believe she's 1 1/2. When she runs, her whole body still swivels side to side and it is a miracle that she doesn't fall down all over the place. She is obsessed with shoes and cups and could spend her whole day trying on shoes and stealing other people's drinks. (I don't know what this says about her college days . . .) She is saying new words every day and tries to repeat almost anything we say to her; she's getting good at: please, thank-you, baby, shoe, truck, more, mommy, dada, boppa (grandpa), hat, waffle, bubbles, book, snack, up, down, help, and so many more.

Tonight after baths, the girls were busy putting all of the dolls to bed - tucking them in with blankets, kissing and hugging them one by one. Jemma was so into it that I asked her to sing the dolls a night-night song. Then Annie and I watched, smiles on our faces and occasionally glancing at each other to confirm that it was, indeed, so darn cute, as Jemma swayed back and forth in front of the doll bed and sort of yodeled a long, drawn-out song to the babies. It was consolation, after a long day, that working this hard is so worth it.

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