Friday, June 13, 2008

Little Bits O' Humor

-I saw a car covered in bumper stickers in a parking lot today. The most interesting one? "Mother Nature Always Bats Last." Hmmmmmm . . .

-Annie informed me today that her doop is a girl. Because it is pink. And everything pink is a girl, and girls wear pink. I thought this was notable because we have had several, several conversations about how boys and girls can both wear any color they want, etc. So I said, "What about when Daddy wears his pink shirt to work?" (and for the record, he has two. And one purple. Perhaps not coincidentally, these were his two favorite colors for several of his childhood years . . . I digress.)

"Then he's a girl," Annie responded.

"No, Daddy is never a girl," I declared. Maybe a metrosexual, but not a girl. =)

"Well, then he LOOKS like a girl." Ahhh. If his hair gets much longer, he might.

-We've been doing lots of swimming, sprinkler-running, and bathing-suit-wearing lately, and I usually just rinse the suits out and hang them in the shower to dry for a few times before I wash them. This morning, I went to grab Annie's cherry bathing suit and noticed that it stunk. I threw it in the dirty laundry and grabbed a different one for this morning's post-run sprinkler session. Annie must have noticed this (and remember, she's a smeller) because she spent the rest of the day occasionally returning to smell the stinky swimsuit, trying to get everyone else in the family to smell it, and asking me why it was stinky. THEN, after dinner tonight, Jason's parents called and wanted to talk to Annie. She loves to talk on the phone. She got on and immediately said, "Grandma, I have a cherry bathing suit, and it is SO STINKY!" Great.

-I posted a picture a while back of Annie with her new dolly, Ce Ce Bingo. The big draw with her is that she has a pacifier that is attached to her by a string and which can be popped in and out of her o-shaped mouth. Today, Jemma was cuddling CCB and toddled over to me, held CCB up to me, and sort of grunted like she wanted me to do something. I took the paci out. Jemma nodded. I returned to the dishes, and Jemma was bothering me again. "Do you want her paci in?" I asked. Vigorous head nodding. So I put it back in . . . and this happened about 10 more times before I said I was "All Done" with CCB's paci and Jemma had a high-pitched screaming fit on the floor of the kitchen. If Jemma got to choose, her days would apparently be filled with putting CCB's paci in and out of her mouth, blowing bubbles and then dumping the bottle of bubbles on the ground, and being held by Mommy while eating an entire banana in less than 1 minute.

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