Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

It's been a good Easter weekend. I'm not going to write about the obnoxious snow that fell on Friday afternoon because I am ignoring it until it goes away. Also not going to write much about how a huge chunk of the weekend flew by in a flurry of soul-sucking errands at Costco, Bed Bath and Beyond, the mall, the grocery store . . . all the drudgery of keeping the refrigerator stocked, the wedding presents purchased, and the Easter tights matching. Instead, a few of the high points:

-Playing school with the whole family for a few minutes on Friday morning. Annie (aka "Miss Annie") was obviously in charge of the rest of us. She led us in circle time, talked about the weather, read us a story, and taught us a song. We all stood up and sang it together, much to Jemma's delight.

-The 10-mile training run that I had been dreading. In spite of it being an absurd 26 degrees and me wasting a good 20 minutes trying to figure out a way to postpone the run or move it indoors, I finally went for it outside, and it was surprisingly fantastic. Lots of time to myself to think, have imaginary arguments with family members about politics, and write a lot of virtual blog posts and to-do lists in my head.

-Sarah's b-day party on Friday night. I had been needing a night out, and I got it. A few martinis with friends in a snowstorm is always a good thing.

-My new curtains for the front room. (Note that I did not say hanging the new curtains. That involved about 2 hours of confused measuring and arguments with Jason. We probably shouldn't do home projects together.) They are glorious and give the room a whole new feel. As I suspected, I'm now desperate to turn that light-filled room into something other than a messy playroom . . .

-Watching the girls find their Easter baskets and hidden eggs this morning. Annie's basket contained a much-longed-for blue Cinderella dress-up dress, which I pretty much got her just so she can stop conniving ways to book it into Lucy's basement every chance she gets to wear her Cinderella dress. She's happy; we're hoping she'll just wear it non-stop for a few weeks and we'll get a break from the constant clothes-changing.

-Spending this afternoon with my parents and grandparents: some good food, a little basketball on TV, naps, the girls showing off for my family, and leaving with a sense that we are so lucky to be close to people who love our family so much. Also, I made Annie and Jemma wear identical polka-dotted dresses. I am hoping that the pictures will be adorable.

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