Thursday, January 8, 2009

By The Numbers

5 - pairs of children's socks scattered around our kitchen floor tonight at bathtime

1 - hour late Jason got home from work

60 - blessed minutes on the treadmill while the children played in the gym daycare

8 - hyper, tutu-ed little girls in Annie's newest round of Twinkle Toes dance class

28 - hours, approximately, until our much-anticipated new dishwasher is installed

10 - number Jemma can count to by herself

10 - time-outs (at least) Annie had today

12 - art projects (of her own making) Annie ripped off her wall during aforementioned time-outs

3 - meals which Jemma asked to "see, Mama" the preparation of

3 - meals during which Jemma used her fork with her right hand, her fork with her left hand, and then her fingers. And then ran her fingers through her hair.

2-4 - inches of fresh snow coming down right now

5 - times Jason and I giggled at Jemma because he taught her to say, "Stop looking at me, swan" from the Billy Madison movie. No sense . . . .

6 - the o'clock hour during which Annie went to bed

8 - times I opened the fridge today and caught a tempting glimpse of Founder's Double Chocolate Coffee Oatmeal Breakfast Stout.

Off to give in to temptation . . .

1 comment:

Sarah said... sense...
Naughtyville central over here as well, my friend! Nice to hear I have a "partner in managing the crimes." :)