Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I've Been Tagged

My friend and neighbor, Sarah, tagged me in a game of blog tag. I have to list six random things about myself, then tag six other bloggers to do the same.

1. When I was little (5th grade?) I fell in love with one of those very tiny toads you see outside in the summer. I named it Pepper and I kept it in a large bucket in our garage for the entire summer. I created a pond out of a Cool-Whip container and a rock-and-grass area off to one side. I killed flies and bugs to feed Pepper daily. I cried when my parents made me let him go at the end of the summer.

2. When I was in Vienna, Austria in 1997, a man with a briefcase came up to me while I was reading on a park bench and asked repeatedly to be allowed to lick my toes. I refused; he got angry and left. (I later saw him doing it to someone else!)

3. I have an overwhelming, irrational fear of vomiting. If I hear of anyone I know being sick with the stomach flu, I immediately begin calculating if we have seen anyone who they have seen within the last 10 days, then I disinfect door handles, light switches, etc. I am not clausterphobic, but I do sometimes get nervous if I am in a really crowded place and can't see a place where I could go if I needed to throw up . . . even if I am feeling 100% fine. I know, crazy.

4. I have had the same best friend for 27 years. I met Connie when we were both four years old and she moved onto my street. Things we have done together include: have a front-yard store selling candy called Are We Over the Rainbow Yet?; have a rock band called Blazing Paradise; play clarinet in the school band; spend whole afternoons eating Pizzeria chips and diet Rite White Grape pop; drive to Florida together; hike a snowy mountain in Wyoming in the rain and, afterwards, sleep in the same sleeping bag together to prevent hypothermia; room together and pledge the same sorority in college; watch Billy Madison almost every afternoon of our freshman year; be maid of honor at one another's weddings; hold one another's children on the day they were born; crack up during yoga class; and talk on the phone pretty much every day. Sometimes twice.

5. I hate Rod Stewart and Gloria Estefan's voices with a passion and can't listen to any song by them for more than 2 seconds.

6. Unless they are things that clearly go together (beef roast and mashed potatoes, turkey and stuffing), I do not like my food to touch on my plate.

So . . . . I'm tagging:

-My sorority sister and friend since freshman year of college, Team Pellow
-My sister-in-law, Pancakes for Breakfast
-My neighbor, Heidi, who hasn't updated her blog since August (with good reason), but who might enjoy doing a fun, easy post at The Kett Family.
-My other neighbor, Shawn, who hasn't updated his blog since August, either, and who owes the neighborhood a little entertainment.
-My friend and her sister, who have a joint blog, and thus count for two people.


Gina said...

Okay, so I guess I'm it. Unfortunately I don't really know any other bloggers, so I might have a hard time passing this on. Should be fun, though, and will be my first post this month, so maybe I'll start actually blogging again.

A few random notes: When you saw the man "doing the same thing" in Austria, do you mean he was attempting to like someone's toes or actually licking them? Also, I passionately hate Rod Stewart's voice as well, and the voice of the lead singer of The Samples, who sounds, curiously, like Kermit the Frog.

good joo said...

ohhh hell...

at least it give me something to do in ft. gay

where's that christmas card?

Stephanie said...

Gina: He was actually licking them. I took a picture, but it was from very far away so you can't really tell what's going on. It gives me the creeps to this day!