Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Today . . .

-is the last day I can call myself "30" and Annie a "three-year-old."

-Jemma projectile pooped on me, my shirt, my pants, and the floor while I was changing her diaper.

-Annie proclaimed me "good at giving underdogs" on the swings at Lakeside.

-I managed Costco, Target, and Party City with the kids without any drama. (Is there ever a day when I don't go to Costco, Target, or the grocery store? And, what am I buying???)

-I tried to pack for our upcoming, up-north family wedding weekend and realized it's time to stop wearing flip-flops every single day. Also, that I have no good "winter" shoes.

-I spent from 11:35 - 12:00 wrangling Annie, limp/kicking/flailing, into the car after school. First, she ran away from me in the parking lot (safe), then it took me fully 5 sweaty minutes to get her up the stairs (while also carrying Jemma on one hip and Annie's leftover class birthday snack in a grocery bag), and finally Jemma and I waited outside the car for 10 more minutes until Annie could stop thrashing around in her carseat, yelling, "You're stupid!" and "I don't like you!" Poor Jemma - so confused about why we weren't getting into the car. NOT a situation I would like to repeat.

-I claimed with a fair amount of certainty that we will not, indeed, be having any more children (see above).

-Jason cooked us up a little dinner at 8:00 p.m. and we had some wine in the kitchen while discussing the ridiculousness that is our life.

-Wrapped Annie's birthday gifts and arranged them around her place at the dining room table so they'll be the first thing she sees when she goes to eat breakfast in the morning.

-Annie took a nap in her new princess sleeping bag. On the floor. Adorable.

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