Wednesday, May 7, 2008

No More Jemmas Jumping on the Bed

A month or so ago, Jemma learned how to climb up onto Annie's bed. Once I taught her how to also climb down safely, I didn't think too much of it. It was sort of annoying to have them thrashing around up there, but what am I going to do? Keep Annie's bedroom door closed at all times? So we instituted a "no jumping" rule and let it go.

After school today, the three of us were playing in Annie's room. Up climbs Jemma, onto the bed. I turn around to help Annie with her doll stroller and turn back in time to see Jemma jump, jump, jump and then launch herself totally over the guardrail and land on the floor. Obviously, crying ensued. She seemed fine (and still does), but she sure was sad for about 15 minutes. I have hope that she might have learned her lesson. If not, I'm going to have to hire someone to keep her out of Annie's room all day, every day. Or something.

In other news, Annie brought home some Mother's Day gifts from school today. She made a very sweet card, the front of which involves her handprint and a photo of her. I love the front of the card. Inside, it says, "I like drawing circles with my mommy." What????? Of all the 57,000 things I do with her, when it comes time to make a card and tell her teacher something she does with me, she says "drawing circles"????? I am so sure. I don't even know what that means. Drawing circles . . .


Gina said...

Annie cracks me up. I love it. When Lance comes home and asks Rowan what she did that day, she'll often say something like "eat yogurt", completely forgetting the art projects, trip to the park, etc. Enjoy drawing circles with Annie!

Sarah said...

ha ha...well, if it makes you feel any better, Lucy wrote:
I love my mommy when she "gives me treats."
That's right...I bribe her love with food...that's all I do.