Friday, February 29, 2008

This Is Your Brain On Drugs

There's nothing quite like starting your day by driving your husband to a clinic for his endoscopy, which is where they give him some very special drugs and then stick a very tiny camera down his esophagus to see what all those years of heartburn might be doing to his stomach. I sat in the waiting room and read a lovely magazine while this occurred, then was escorted to the recovery room when the procedure was over. There, I got to have the following conversation approximately 17 times in a 30 minute period:

Jason, groggily: "Is it over already?"

Me: "Yes, it is."

Jason: "Wow! I can't believe they did it already! Did you get to watch?"

Me: "No."

Jason: "What time is it?"

Me : "8:40" (this answer varied depending on which of the 17 conversations we were having)

Jason: "Wow! That didn't take very long at all. I can't believe it's over already!" Etc, etc, etc.

Jason post-op is pretty much what you'd expect: all PLG and clueless but in a good-natured way that makes you laugh. Later, when the doctor came in to talk to us, Jason was functioning totally appropriately, asking intelligent questions, and making sense. However, it seems that the lights were on but no one was home, because Jason now has no memory of those conversations.

Now, after what was a long day spent searching in vain for some new dresses for Annie (dresses! It's all she'll wear!), I had aspirations for about 5 minutes of going to the gym (since I haven't been since last Saturday and 8 miles this weekend is going to hurt), but I was lured to my living room by a glass of red wine and my deep love of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Good grief, they are funny.

Right now, I am even missing What Not To Wear, but I needed to get on this blog and wish a not-so-fond farewell to February 2008. "See ya!" to the snow and the vomit, hello to grass and daffodils and rain boots and sanity. Tomorrow, a neighborhood pilgrimage to the Grand Opening of Jersey Junction for lots and lots of ice cream. There should be about 25 of us; it should be total chaos. I can't wait.

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