Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The End of a Tradition?

Every single night since Annie was a few months old, I've sung her a little song as the very last thing I do before I put her in her crib (or, now, kiss her forehead in her bed). It's "Goodnight, Sweetheart" - the one they sing in Three Men and a Baby; I'm not even sure that's the title of the song, but you know the one I mean. Sometimes Jason sings it with me and he does a little harmony. Sometimes Annie comes in and sings it to Jemma when I put her to bed. And when Annie puts her babies to sleep, she sings it to them.

Until this week.

Three or four times now, I've said, "Want me to sing the night-night song?" and Annie has politely replied, "No thank you." End of story. She's all done needing us to sing to her at bedtime. And I'm a little sad. Is she really becoming this big? What will be next? No more blanket? Can you even imagine the day when she doesn't want to be tucked it at all anymore, and just walks casually to her room after saying good-night in the living room????

Mostly, I love watching my girls grow up and I revel in the moment when they do new things. Lately, Annie has been a blast to talk to. She has questions and opinions about things like wolves, snowflakes, Valentine's Day, gum, Snow White's mommy, the book If You Give a Pig a Party, and a whole host of subjects to talk about. Jemma, too, is getting more interesting by the day. Today, for example, she spent about 75% of her time trying (often successfully) to take off her pants, take her hair bows out, and run around with her pants on her head. She's ridiculous. But I've always been glad to come back to our little rituals at night: bathtime, stories, and song before we kiss them and tuck them in. Now, that ritual will be shorter for Annie. I wonder if she'll even remember it when she grows up?

At least I get to sing it to Jemma for a couple more years . . .


Gina said...

Aww, I'm so sad for you! The only time Rowan will cuddle with me is during her night-night songs (ABCs and Sunshine). I'm sure I'll be crushed when she's such a big girl she doesn't need them anymore. On the other hand, Annie is growing into such an independent girl! Which, really, is what we want, anyway.

Anonymous said...

oh nay nay. stop it. i thought i would officially start reading your blog and posting comments since i will soon be moving to ft. gay indiana. at least i will have a rose garden. i'm sad our girls won't grow up together, but hopefully they will see each other often. off to gestate.