Friday, September 5, 2008

50's Flashbacks

Today was a quintessential fall day - low clouds, peeks of sun, and just-right, cool temperatures. Fitting for my first Pumpkin Spice latte of the season after my morning run and for Annie's first day of school, which she loved (pictures soon). We brought her to her classroom, where she went immediately to the doll/dress-up area and started playing; barely a glance at us when we told her we were leaving and would be back to pick her up later. We spent the rest of the day trading off the kids so we could run errands, buy groceries, do laundry, and cook dinner. After dinner, we all biked to Wealthy Street Bakery and shared chocolate chip cookies outside.

Also today, the birth of baby Elsa, who we hope to visit tomorrow or Sunday in the hospital. This should provide many new details for role-playing "having a baby," a game that Jemma, too, now likes to play. She has spent the last two days carrying around Cee Cee Bingo. She'll bring the doll to me and say, "Bungo, bobby" while tugging at her shirt. She wants me to tuck the doll under her shirt, just like Annie does. Then she pulls it out, looks around proudly, and announces, "Bobby!," her way of saying "baby." Also involved in this role-play is putting Cee Cee Bingo in the stroller, covering her with a blanket, and pushing her around until she starts crying. You know she's crying because Jemma makes a very pitiful "awwhhh, awwhhhgg" noise and a sad face before cradling her and saying softly, "Bungo. Oh-oh-oh . . . Shhhhh."

As if the wedding re-enactments and the baby-having wasn't all 1950's enough, tomorrow we are off to THE FAIR, where we will pretend to be one with the farm animals. We are hoping to make it there in time for the 9:00 a.m. Youth Swine Show. Additionally, I am hoping that by going so early in the day, we will miss the majority of the carnies, who will probably be sleeping until noon.

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